Sit back and enjoy the Coconut Porter from one of the newest breweries, Broken
Compass. This robust porter is
loaded with so much roasted organic coconut, local Garrett Shelton of
Breckenridge says, “the Coconut Porter will transport you to a tropical island”.
For those who are feeling a little more daring there’s also the Chili Pepper
Pale Ale which combines five types of chili peppers! It is an easy to drink,
smooth beer that has all the flavor and aroma of spicy chilies without the deep
burn. Broken Compass’s mission is to provide quality beers to a quality town.
Perhaps a new favorite will be amongst one of the many specialty brews offered
by the Broken Compass.
Next up is the Breckenridge Brewery which is known for its Vanilla
Porter, as well as the Avalanche amber ale. The Vanilla Porter is an ale that
has all the chocolate and roasted nut flavor of a classic Porter, with an
enigmatic surprise thrown in for good measure. To make the Avalanche, the
brewers blend pale and caramel malts with just a touch of bittering hops to
create a refreshing-but-flavorful, anytime beer. Aromas of pale grains, a
semi-sweet middle and a clean-as-Colorado snow finish make the Avalanche the
Breckenridge Brewery’s best-selling beer. This brewery has grown from a small
3,000-barrel-a-year brewpub into one of the most successful craft beer and
restaurant companies in the nation. Enjoy a taste of history in the original
location in Breckenridge!
Just “next door” in Frisco, there is the Back Country Brewery where it’s
highly recommended to try the delicious Breakfast Stout. This is a milk stout
(lactose is put in the boil) in which the brewers add locally roasted
Guatemalan and Costa Rican coffees. Coincidentally, these coffees are roasted
at the Rocky Mountain Coffee Roaster on Main Street in Breckenridge! The beer
is full bodied and has a milky and caramel sweetness, followed by a mild roast
from roasted barley, plus the coffee. Milk Stout’s not really desirable? That’s
okay! This brewery also offers a tasty Pale Ale which was formerly known as the
Telemark IPA. This is the Back Country’s gold medal winner and has a very
characteristic copper color from a blend of lightly kilned malts coupled with
distinctive bitterness and flavor from Washington State’s finest hops. This
brew is a true Representation of a British Classic. When this recipe was originally
created in 1996, it was an IPA, but now fits better in the Pale Ale category. The
classification changed from an IPA to a Pale Ale because of the evolving hops
profile. Despite the name change, it is still the same great taste and product.
Pug Ryan’s in Dillon has
received many awards at various beer competitions and has garnered over 18
medals throughout the years. Just to name a few: silver medals for the Pallavicini
Pilsner from the Great American Beer Fest and the North American Beer
Awards in 2009. The Scottish Ale
won a gold medal at the 2008 Colorado State Fair and a silver medal at the 2011
NABA, and the seasonal Helles Bock
won a silver medal at the Craft Brewers Fest and a Gold Medal at the 2010 Great
American Beer Fest.
Last but not least is the Dillon Dam Brewery. Located in Dillon, this
brewery is known for the DAM IPA. This brew is dedicated to hop heads and has a
spicy grapefruit aroma which leads the charge to a pile of spicy, earthy and
slightly citrusy happiness that totally dominates the subtle, yet complex,
toasty-biscuit malt balance in this reddish brown ale. It is also recommended
to try the Sweet George’s Brown, which won bronze at the World Beer Cup in
2012. It’s a creamy, English style ale which is brewed with a variety of brown
and caramel malts. It is lightly hopped and finishes with a hint of chocolate
in its flavor and aroma. The Dillon Dam is one of the largest Brewpubs in the
nation and one of the best family restaurants in Summit County, so go get lost
in some delicious craft beer and food!
There is no need to be a beer connoisseur to enjoy all of the breweries
in Summit County. There are options for
those who just want to dabble in the deliciousness. Sign up for the Summit
County Brewery Tour and combine education with fun while being shuttled
door-to-door to four local breweries in Summit County. Do the drinking and let
someone else do the driving to enjoy a pint of tasty beer at each pub. Another
suggestion is to visit Ollie’s Pub and Grub, which only has Colorado brews on
tap, in either Breckenridge or Frisco. Those who are looking to add a little physical
activity into the drinking extravaganza can also rent the Breckenridge Bike
Bus. Pedal around Breckenridge and enjoy the scenery with good friends. Finally,
it is worth a visit to Breckenridge for the Breckenridge Oktoberfest! Enjoy the
fun as Main Street transforms into Munich and fills with people looking to enjoy
the outdoors, friends, German bands and food, and of course delicious craft
brews (*20% with Ski Country not valid during Oktoberfest weekend)!
So grab the friends, family or
make it a staycation and get to Breckenridge. There is no better or more
beautiful place to discover a potential favorite craft brew. Remember, Ski
Country Resorts is offering the lodging special to give a little extra spending
money for those tall pints.
Ski Country Resorts: http://www.skicountry.com
Summit County
Brewery Tour: http://sucobrewtour.com/
Bike Bus: http://www.breckenridgebikebus.com/
GoBreck (Oktoberfest): http://www.gobreck.com/events/breckenridge-oktoberfest
Broken Compass Brewery: http://www.brokencompassbrewing.com/
Breckenridge Brewery: http://www.breckbrew.com/agegate
Pug Ryan’s: http://pugryans.com/
Dillon Dam Brewery: http://www.dambrewery.com/
Back Country Brewery: http://www.backcountrybrewery.com/
Ollie’s Pub & Grub: http://www.olliespub.com/